Immunokind is a natural complex German preparation for accelerating recovery and prevention of respiratory infections, the effect of which is due to the carefully selected natural components included in its composition.
Proper formation of the immune system in childhood – the key to a healthy future.
A child’s immunity is characterized by several periods of development (so-called developmental crises), during these periods children may be sick more often. At the same time, the first 2 crises occur when the child is in the family, up to 3 years of age. The beginning of kindergarten attendance can usually coincide with a new period of immunity development due to a sharp increase in the number of contacts with viruses and bacteria.
According to statistics, up to 90% of visits to the polyclinic – these are requests for treatment of acute respiratory diseases. And the most frequent patients among children are children aged 6 months to 6 years. In 50% of children the frequency of illnesses can be increased so much that their doctors consider them to be frequently ill children.
Repeated colds every 1-2 months lead to an imbalance of immunity and can be a factor in the development of chronic diseases of the ENT organs by the age of 5-6 years.
Immunokind – helps the immune system in children in time to pass the necessary stages of maturation, strengthens the body’s defenses in the fight against infection, causing frequent colds, promotes recovery from colds and recovery after them. Immunokind does not belong to immunomodulators or, even more so, to immunostimulants, it is allowed for use in children from 0 to 6 years of age. The average course of taking the drug is 6-8 weeks.